Your vehicle relies on its battery, and that is especially true on those cold winter mornings when even the newest battery can struggle to get going. That means that making sure it is in tip-top condition is a must. If your vehicle’s battery is old, or has a habit of failing (even when it’s not…

Fall is a season that many of us love. It’s usually not too hot, not too cold and the fall foliage in and around Olathe is usually stunning (and it certainly is this year.) October is also, for many, a month to get things done in and around the house before the winter arrives. Leaves…

Self-driving cars may not be quite ready for prime time yet (although many feel they are getting there) but today’s car manufacturers are kitting the new vehicles rolling off the production lines with some rather fancy tech extras right now. Some of them – like rear view cameras – are safety boosts, others, like wi-fi…

All responsible car or truck owners want to do all the right things to keep their vehicles running as smoothly as possible for as long as possible. To that end, they wash them regularly (maybe even “treat” them to a valet cleaning inside as well) and make sure that they get help from the pros…

Most vehicle owners know if their transmission ‘goes’ they – or rather their vehicle – are in quite a bit of trouble. The fix is likely to be far from inexpensive and their ride is likely to be out of action for a couple of days at least. The odd thing is though that, despite…

It’s a typical dark, rather cold, winter morning. Running a few minutes late, you head out to car, coffee in hand, slide into the driver’s seat and turn your key in the ignition ready for the off and another busy day. Except nothing happens. Nada. Naught. Zilch. No coughing, no spluttering. Just a big fat…

Did you know that every year in the month of December approximately one in four Americans will take to the roads for a holiday roadtrip? And whether that trip is to Grandma’s for that big holiday dinner or just down the street to a friend’s New Year’s party, these holiday driving excursions can be rather…

While drivers know that every season presents driving challenges it’s fair to say that winter in Kansas presents the biggest. Falling temperatures, darker days, ice and even sometimes snow, present pretty tough challenges for both car and driver. That’s why Fall is a great time to ensure that your vehicle is ready for the cold…

With summer just around the corner, lots of people are planning their big vacation trips, and for many of us that will mean spending more than a little time on the road. While road trips in themselves can be a lot of fun, the combination of the heat, stop and go traffic and – the…